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Meet the author

I have always been passionate about animals and their care. As the founder of Shadow's Reptiles (An online pet store), I feel responsible to share my knowledge through my educational animal shows, blogs and videos. I have dedicated part of my life to educating others on the unique needs of reptiles and animals in general. I aggressively research all animals that are coming into my care and then I write care guides as proof to myself that I am knowledgeable enough to care for said animal. After years of using the care guides and polishing them with my own 

experience and fine tuning them to be efficient and provide the best quality care to the animals as possible, I have made it public for you to use. I am constantly updating the guides and testing new methods, I follow these care guides every single day with hundred of animals that I love more than life itself. Unfortunately I can not do it alone, I will need your support!


Feedback is what I crave most, please correct me and help me improve my care guides. I take your feedback and combine it with my own knowledge and experience to give my animals the best life possible.

Moral Support is greatly appreciated! Knowing that my care guides benefit you or that my content entertains you gives me the drive to keep moving forward and posting more content for you to enjoy.

Financial Support is great, money of course is what makes the world go round...and keeps me and the animals fed. If you like what I do please consider buying something from my shop and if you LOVE what I do consider becoming a monthly subscriber. Think of it as buying me lunch once a month to show appreciation for my work but rest assured that your money won't be spent on McDonald's, every penny will go directly to the animals, their cages, food, medical expenses and everything else they will need.

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Thank you for supporting and helping me care for my animals!

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Animal Help Group - Ask us anything you need to know!

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