Rhino Iguana Care Guide - Enclosure, Diet, Handling & More
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Rhino Iguana Care Guide

Writer: Shadow’s ReptilesShadow’s Reptiles

Updated: Jul 8, 2024

This article will show you how to care for Rhino Iguanas, a remarkable reptile known for their distinctive snouts (hence the name) and their dog like personalities! I have provided videos from my YouTube channel that will be linked throughout this care guide for those that prefer to learn from videos. I also have rhino iguana for sale available on the bottom of this page.

These care guides that I write are used daily and followed as law here at Shadow’s reptiles. I am constantly working on improving them and the quality of care for my animals.  I appreciate any and all feedback I receive, in trade for your corrections, questions, and comments I promise to keep all care guides updated with the best possible care tips I can offer linked with updated YouTube videos and the products that I use for my animals.

rhino iguana care guide

Cyclura cornuta

Rhino iguanas are Native to the Caribbean, primarily found on the island of Hispaniola. Rhino Iguanas inhabit rocky limestone environments, including tropical dry forests, lowland shrub areas, and coastal forests. Their skin colors can range from steely grey, dark green, dark blue, orange, to brown. These terrestrial iguanas can live up to 20 years or more, making them long-term companions.


rhino iguana care

Creating the right enclosure is necessary for the well-being of your Rhino Iguana. Rhino Iguanas need a spacious enclosure that offers enough room for their movement and exploration. For adult Rhino Iguanas, the enclosure should measure at least 8 feet in length, 5 feet in height, and 4 feet in width. This size is essential to meet their physical needs and ensure their well-being. For young Rhino Iguanas, a 40-gallon tank is suitable during their first year of life. To accommodate their natural digging behavior, it's important to provide a deep layer of substrate within the enclosure. A mixture of materials such as coconut coir, cypress mulch, sand, or topsoil can be used to create a suitable digging environment for them. Additionally, including nest boxes within the enclosure is essential, especially if you plan to breed these iguanas. Nest boxes offer privacy, shelter, and a safe space for egg-laying, promoting their reproductive health and overall comfort. These considerations are needed for creating a suitable habitat for Rhino Iguanas in captivity.

Items and Environment

full grown rhinoceros iguana

Maintaining the right environmental conditions is very important for the health and happiness of your Rhino Iguana. To properly care for Rhino Iguanas indoors, it is necessary to create an indoor habitat that replicates their natural environment. Lighting is important, UVB and heat lamps should be used to mimic the effects of natural sunlight. These reptiles depend on UVB rays for proper calcium absorption so if being kept indoors a UVB light bulb is essential. Temperature control is crucial, a hot spot maintaining temperatures between 100°F and 105°F is required and can be added with ceramic heat bulbs or regular heat bulbs. Along with a basking area add cooler zones within the enclosure to meet their thermoregulation needs. Maintaining a moderately humid environment, with humidity levels around 65%, may require misting the enclosure periodically. Always ensure there is a source of fresh, clean water available in shallow dishes that are easily accessible. Enriching their enclosure with items such as rocks, branches, and non-toxic plants not only enhances their habitat but also provides opportunities for climbing, exploring, and mental stimulation, contributing to the well-being of these unique reptiles.

rhino iguana diet food

Rhino Iguana Diet & Hydration

Rhino iguanas have a diverse diet, as they are omnivores. Their meals consist primarily of a variety of leaves, flowers, fruits, vegetables and opuntia cactus. Living in the Caribbean, in the wild they occasional indulge in land crabs, insects, and small mice. Leafy greens should make up the majority of their daily intake, including items like kale, plums, apples, carrots, squash, mangoes, broccoli, bananas, cucumber, blueberries, bell pepper, green beans, collard greens, sweet potatoes, hibiscus flowers, dandelion flowers, and de-thorned cactus pads. Some owners prefer to add calcium powder and multivitamins to the diet for hatchlings and juveniles, usually 2-3 times a week during their first year. However, an alternative approach is to feed them Mazuri Tortoise Diet, which provides all the essential vitamins and calcium they require. It's essential to be aware of brumation, a period of reduced appetite in rhino iguanas during the winter. Owners should closely observe their behavior and adjust their feeding routine accordingly. Do not let them get under 60° Fahrenheit.


When welcoming a new iguana into your home, it's essential to give them the time they need to adjust and reduce stress. During the starting days, avoid excessive handling, especially if they appear stressed or aren't eating well. Instead, gradually introduce short handling sessions multiple times a day as they become more comfortable with your presence. Food can be a powerful ally in building trust with your iguana. Offer treats and let them approach you for it. If they're too nervous to come close, place the food a few feet away and maintain your position. As they grow more at ease, slowly decrease the distance with each feeding until they're comfortable eating from the palm of your hand. When carrying your iguana, a gentle and effective method is to lift their tail, slide your arm between their legs up to their chest, allowing them to rest on your arm as if they were perched on a tree. This approach works well for taming iguanas that aren't accustomed to being carried.

rhino iguana for sale online
The first rhino iguana I ever hatched September 27, 2023

Rhino Iguana Fun Facts

  • The rhinoceros iguana was discovered in 1789 by Pierre Joseph Bonnaterre, who named this reptile after the horn-like protrusion on its snout.

  • The eggs laid by Rhinoceros iguanas are among the largest lizard eggs produced in the world.

Remember that caring for Rhino Iguanas requires attention to detail and a commitment to providing a safe, large and healthy environment. With proper care, your Rhino Iguana can thrive and become a cherished member of your family for years to come.

Rhino Iguanas for Sale


If after reading this care guide you think this is the pet for you click the button below

If not check out what other reptiles I have available by clicking here


These care guides that I write are used daily and followed as law here at Shadow’s reptiles.

 I am constantly working on improving them which in turn improves the quality of care for my animals and for my customers and their animals. I appreciate any and all feedback more than anything. In trade for your corrections, questions, and comments I promise to keep all care guides updated with the best possible care tips I can offer linked with updated YouTube videos and the products that I use for my animals.

If you wish to support us more directly take a look at our shop or become a member to unlock hidden blogs, YouTube videos, Giveaways and discounts. All the money we earn goes right back to caring for our animals and improving their futures, we appreciate all your support.

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I have always been passionate about animals and their care. As the founder of Shadow's Reptiles (An online pet store), I feel responsible to share my knowledge through my educational animal shows, blogs and videos. I have dedicated part of my life to educating others on the unique needs of reptiles and animals in general. I aggressively research all animals that are coming into my care and then I write care guides as proof to myself that I am knowledgeable enough to care for said animal. After years of using the care guides and polishing them with my own

experience and fine tuning them to be efficient and provide the best quality care to the animals as possible, I have made it public for you to use. I am constantly updating the guides and testing new methods, I follow these care guides every single day with hundred of animals that I love more than life itself. Unfortunately I can not do it alone, I will need your support!


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