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We have some beautiful active and healthy yearling sulcata tortoises. Also known as African spurred tortoise they are the third largest species of tortoise in the world and can get well over 100lbs when full grown. Sulcata tortoises are herbivores, and their diet should be 80%-90% grasses, weeds, flowers, or leaves and 10%-20% should be fruits, vegetables, or a tortoise diet. For baby tortoises I prefer to not feed fruit too often, but they enjoy a little treat once a week. The baby sulcata tortoises for sale now are mainly feeding on hibiscus leaves/flowers, collard greens, opuntia cactus, mulberry leaves, and mazuri tortoise diet. I keep my baby tortoises in a few different types of enclosures, but I always like to use something at least 2 feet by 3 feet. An enclosure that can hold the right temperatures and humidity is very important to ensure proper health for your baby tortoises.  Learn more on my Tortoise Care Playlist on my YouTube channel Shadow’s Reptiles or if you prefer a written one, find the Sulcata Tortoise care guide

Albino Sulcata Tortoise

Only 1 left in stock
  • Centrochelys sulcata

    Size: Yearlings range from 3-4 inches. A full grown Sulcata Tortoise can easily reach 30 inches in size and can weigh over 100lbs.

    Diet: Sulcata tortoises are herbivores primarily feeding off high fiber diet like grasses and weeds.

    Enclosure: I keep my hatchlings in a 2ft by 3ft plastic tote and upgrade them as they grow, a full grown Sulcata will need an area of at least 80 square feet but bigger is better and recommended if available.

    Handling: Tortoises do not like being off the ground and should not be handled often, good ways to interact with your tortoises without causing stress is by hand feeding, watching them interact with their enclosures and letting them walk around the yard supervised (If climate permits).

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